

Asian style sea bass


This meaty fish has always carried an elegance to any table. Its taste is subtle. It's not an oily fish so the taste is never overpowering. Sea bass is mostly an ocean fish but can also be found in rivers during summer. In Europe we have two main kinds --the Atlantic and the Mediterranean kind. In other parts of the world, you can find the Japanese sea bass known as 'suzuki', and the Patagonian tooth fish which most famously is known by the name 'Chilean Seabass' -- a very popular fish eaten in America. Cooking the sea bass is fairly simple [...]

Asian style sea bass2020-04-30T10:50:30+01:00

A connection with nature


The leaves continue to turn a warm shade of pink, to a deeper red. There are also the golden leaves that hang like large coins gracefully from the trees. The beauty in nature is abundant and never short of inspiring. Just as a connection with nature is vital for our well being, so also is our connection with natural foods. The two are interconnected.  At Naturally Chinese, I follow on the ethos of keeping a connection with nature, be it in the flower pots on every table to the combination of dishes that fit well together. When a natural ingredient is [...]

A connection with nature2020-04-30T10:50:31+01:00

Pork Belly Claypot


A popular Hong Kong style dish is the pork belly claypot. To some this may seem extravagant or even fit for a grand occasion, but this dish can be enjoyed on any regular weekday for lunch or dinner. What makes this dish so tempting is the marinade that absorbs into the meat. It's a sauce that is made to perfection with hoisin, soy sauce, chinese spices, garlic, dry sherry and honey. The sweet and salty flavours tenderize the meat to a succulent texture. And of course, cooking it on a slow fire delicately keeps the meat moist and juicy. So how [...]

Pork Belly Claypot2020-04-30T10:50:31+01:00

A ‘feel good’ dinner


Agreeably we live in a time where we can have any type of cuisine and any kind of food we want in a matter of minutes. With the variety that is available to us in this day and age, we may often face a situation where we have to think what meals to eat, if it's going to make us feel good. And if it poses a bit of a dilemma on many an occasion, then what can we do to simplify the process? There is great value in understanding the foods you're fond of and why they make you feel [...]

A ‘feel good’ dinner2020-04-30T10:50:31+01:00

Complex simplicity


A Chinese proverb goes: "The more you eat, the less flavour; the less you eat, the more flavour." In keeping with this old adage, I think of the complex simplicity in the art of Chinese cooking and the aesthetics that go into enjoying a meal. It may be thought that Chinese cooking is fast, easy to assemble and ready to go, but indeed lies a mystery still that though all these three things are true, the complexity in details is what brings a dish to its culmination. To enjoy a small bowl of rice, some kind of meat and vegetables is a [...]

Complex simplicity2020-04-30T10:50:31+01:00

Farewell Summer


I particularly love this time of the year --the time transitioning from the end of Summer to those glorious autumnal days in September. The sunlight is golden and it reminds me that as winter will soon approach, there are still some sunny days to enjoy. How quickly the time passes? Summer came too soon. Hope you had some good times to remember this year. This time of the year brings a range of seasonal produce to enjoy. In keeping with the change in weather, it is important to eat healthy with a feeling of rejuvenation to the body. I usually like [...]

Farewell Summer2020-04-30T10:50:31+01:00

Peking Duck Delight


The art of roasting duck has been in practice since Imperial times of the dynastic eras in China. Traditionally, the delectable Peking duck is served on most auspicious of occasions. The ceremonial aspect of slicing the crispy outer layer of the roast at the dinner table in front of guests is what makes a great presentation when ordering this dish. Apart from the duck itself, the trimmings are just as important. Finely sliced or julienned vegetables like cucumber and radish are wrapped delicately into a homemade pancake, and a dip into the hoisin sauce makes a heavenly mouthful  -in olden times, [...]

Peking Duck Delight2020-04-30T10:50:31+01:00

Chilli Oil


As many of you know, our chilli oil is made in house by our chefs at Naturally Chinese. In Chinese or Asian cuisine, chilli oil is an important condiment. In China, it is used abundantly in the Sichuan and Hunan regions, as the food in these areas tends to lean on the spicier side of Chinese cuisine. It is also interesting to note that the region in southern Italy also makes their own version of a chill oil which is used to accompany many of their dishes, even on pizza! If you like spice then this chilli oil will put a [...]

Chilli Oil2020-04-30T10:50:31+01:00

Life in food


Following on from last week's post on the mindfulness of eating --how alive is our food and why it is beneficial to eat living foods, grown from the ground? In a time where we don't always know where our food comes from, and we have to grapple with having to keep up with changes in food sourcing and sustainability, seeking a quality of life in food is and should become an important part of our everyday thinking. Sustainable food sourcing can be highly rewarding to everyone on many levels. In a restaurant where ingredients need to be carefully supervised for quality, [...]

Life in food2020-04-30T10:50:31+01:00

Mindfulness of eating


When we think about food and eating in the age we live in, two factors come into play: what are the choices of food we have to eat, and secondly, how do we obtain them as quickly as possible. Many times the stress of life takes over our better judgement and we can forget to take time to indulge in the therapeutic value and mindfulness of eating. It's a concept that is talked about now for some time: Mindfulness. A way to slow down from the rat race of life and stop to smell the roses. It's a way to pay [...]

Mindfulness of eating2020-04-30T10:50:32+01:00
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