signature dishes

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After Dinner Delight


One might say that the strength of Chinese cuisine doesn't lie with its desserts, and fair enough since we don't house a range of elaborate puddings that involve complex sugar craft. We do however have our version of after dinner sweets that serve their purpose. And with that, here are... three reasons why to eat dessert after a meal: 1. A dessert is meant to clear the palette after dinner, and a good meal should leave you with room for something sweet. 2. It makes a clear finish to your dining experience. 3. A few bites are usually what seems perfect, [...]

After Dinner Delight2020-04-30T10:54:18+01:00

Sizzling Lamb With Ginger & Spring Onions


I present to you one of our flagship dishes - the sizzling lamb! It has withstood the test of time remaining one of the signature dishes of Naturally Chinese. It possesses the essence of medicinal ginger and fresh spring onions, two of our most used ingredients. This dish is popular throughout the year and in all seasons. Like the Mandarin Steak talked about a couple of weeks ago, this dish was created in a similar style to enhance the flavour of the meat rather than overwhelm. In this case, the slivers of fragrant lamb are cooked in a simple garlic and [...]

Sizzling Lamb With Ginger & Spring Onions2020-04-30T10:54:19+01:00

Mandarin Steak


When I was asked recently what were some of the signature dishes at Naturally Chinese, I had to put this sizzling, hot off the iron grill pan dish high up on the list -- this fillet of steak cooked in a robust Mandarin sauce has become one of our signature dishes. It holds its own and is gaining popularity at the restaurant. It's not just a fillet steak and onions dish, it's coated in much more and is succulently revealed one bite at a time. The orange marinade is the key to getting the steak tender and juicy giving it an [...]

Mandarin Steak2020-04-30T10:54:51+01:00