

Coeliac Awareness Week


Coeliac Awareness Week begins today (May 13th-19th). Coeliac UK is dedicated to increase the awareness of Coeliac disease and helping people to find out if they may be suffering from it. There is an online assessment that one could take in order to determine if they may have Coeliac disease. Details of this can be found on the Coeliac UK website or by clicking here.  If ever Chinese food could be unimagined as gluten free, it can exist. As our motto continues, that no one should need to feel left out of the party because of a dietary requirement. Everyone can [...]

Coeliac Awareness Week2020-04-30T10:44:39+01:00

All about great food


Today begins the Surbiton food festival May 4th -19th, 2019, and Naturally Chinese is delighted to celebrate along presenting to you a range of fresh and clean tasting Chinese cuisine. Amongst the diversity and unity that brings us together through food, we present authentic and wholesome Chinese cuisine to you. With ingredients locally sourced, and chilli oils made in house, visit us and have a taste of some of the great flavours and dishes we have to offer because it's all about great food. We will not be having our stall this year, but we will be at the food demonstration tent on the 11th [...]

All about great food2020-04-30T10:44:39+01:00

Dim Sum Heights


Following on from our earlier post about new introductions to our menu and some new tasting experiences to discover; our dim sum chef has created a special tasting creation for the month of May to reflect the celebrations of our very own Surbiton Food Festival 2019. The festival evokes the unity of diverse cuisines to be celebrated and rediscovered amongst our neighbours. This year, we at Naturally Chinese bring you Dim Sum Heights. Our chef has put together a tower of dim sum delights combining some traditional and some modern elements. The taster will have buns, dumplings and a couple of [...]

Dim Sum Heights2020-04-30T10:44:39+01:00

The taste of Spring


A typical Chinese restaurant serving dim sum on the weekend is a scene of the bustle of energy created from coming together over little morsels of beautifully crafted foods. The art of eating dim sum lies in sharing and sampling those delectable delights. It will always taste better when shared and depending on the occasion, Prosecco or wine can make an interesting combination with it. If you prefer --a hot pot of jasmine tea makes the experience holistic. Our chefs have also devised an experience of dim sum that is gluten free. Our pastry chef creates fine rice pastry beauties like our [...]

The taste of Spring2020-04-30T10:44:39+01:00

Spring Galore


In keeping with Easter season celebrations, here are some of our favourites from the kitchen at Naturally Chinese. Some of our delectable tender meats featured this month are the sizzling lamb, mandarin steak and honey barbecued fillet of pork. We also feature our Rotisserie platter which comes with the fillet of pork. If you and your party are meat lovers, we can design a roast of delectable meats to savour the celebration. Not forgetting fine wines to pair with the feast. These precious days of sunshine are coveted. And though they flit between the thick clouds even in what is supposed to [...]

Spring Galore2020-04-30T10:44:39+01:00

Pork Belly Clay Pot


The beauty of claypot cooking is the holding of moisture without over cooking or burning the food. It is one of the most elegant gourmet dishes and can be enjoyed over lunch or dinner. Choose a claypot the next time you dine in with us. Pair it with our house wine and you will see the subtleties in the tastes and aromas. For those who enjoy a hearty bit of pork, this Chinese braised pork belly concoction is worthy of a meal for one, not on account of the portion, but because after one bite, you will want this steamy hot [...]

Pork Belly Clay Pot2020-04-30T10:44:39+01:00

Happy 7th Anniversary


We've made it to year number seven, and proud to be still going strong and steady. It’s been an experience in learning and continues as our goal is to keep evolving with the times and adapting our service to better suit the needs of our patrons and customers. Still continuing with the blog and monthly newsletters talking about our activities and events have given us a means of being in touch with you better. For our regulars who have stuck by us from the beginning, we are truly grateful for your support and enthusiasm. We’re looking forward to another year of serving [...]

Happy 7th Anniversary2020-04-30T10:44:40+01:00

The Healing Value of Food


The value for healthy, natural and unprocessed food to me, is one of the greater things to offer. It’s a struggle in today’s world as there are various factors that make it difficult to sustain. But therein lies the desire even more so, to see the success of bringing good food and nutrition to the community. Going against the current is a hard thing but is not an option when you feel passionately about something and you just have to do it. There is great scope in the healing value of food and bringing it to the community. The care that [...]

The Healing Value of Food2020-04-30T10:44:40+01:00

Earth Hour 2019


Earth hour is observed as an event to raise awareness of protecting the environment. Earth hour as a movement strives to unite people around the world to get involved in the discussion of preserving nature and actionable ways to go forth doing so. The simple acts matter in this regard. It may be nurturing a plant to life even if it may seem wilted. Choosing to save energy and electricity. Not using harsh pollutants in the soil. Doing away with the use of chemicals in our homes that end up in our rivers and water supply. Or even walking or cycling [...]

Earth Hour 20192020-04-30T10:44:40+01:00

Sautéed fillet in mandarin sauce


From a range of delicious preparations of steak, one of the most popular in Chinese cuisine is the Sautéed fillet in mandarin sauce. The complexity and simple elegance of this dish encompasses the sweet, sour and crispy. The orange marinade is the key to getting the steak tender and juicy giving it an added burst of citrus. This is an excellent complement to any beef dish. There is also fresh garlic that balances the citrus. And, the onions are caramelised to bring good balance of crunch and sweet. This fillet of steak cooked in a robust Mandarin sauce has become one [...]

Sautéed fillet in mandarin sauce2020-04-30T10:46:51+01:00
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