
Home/Tag: autumn

The last days of summer


It's that time of year again where we begin to bid farewell to Summer. The air feels cooler and we know it's time to bring out the sweaters to stay for the next nine months (more or less). Like many others, I have a particular fondness for Autumn and especially the advent of the season. It puts me in the mood to take comfort in a heart warming claypot, accompanied with the perfectly paired glass of wine.  Of all our claypot dishes on our menu, this one warms my heart instantly with its strength of ginger, chillies and vigor of spring [...]

The last days of summer2020-04-30T10:47:17+01:00

New season new mood


Autumn is a time for reflection. Just as the leaves on the trees dry up and shed, it's also a good time for us to let go of things we cannot control. There is comfort and a freedom to find in this. Every season depicts a mood, and for good reason as a variation brings excitement and well being to us. It's no wonder why there is a demand for the steaming claypots and sizzling meats in these months. They provide a healing with their ingredients of turmeric, chillies, ginger and woody star anise. Naturally Chinese has witnessed twenty seasons over [...]

New season new mood2020-04-30T10:50:30+01:00