It’s that time of year again where we begin to bid farewell to Summer. The air feels cooler and we know it’s time to bring out the sweaters to stay for the next nine months (more or less). Like many others, I have a particular fondness for Autumn and especially the advent of the season. It puts me in the mood to take comfort in a heart warming claypot, accompanied with the perfectly paired glass of wine.
Of all our claypot dishes on our menu, this one warms my heart instantly with its strength of ginger, chillies and vigor of spring onions. Picking an aubergine to use in this dish is key to the freshness and enjoyment of the flavour and texture. This celebratory dish is perfect on those rainy days creeping in the last days of summer.
Braising in a hot clay pot retaining its moisture and warmth, this dish can be enjoyed with a steamy bowl of rice and a side of green vegetable. A full to medium bodied wine like our house or shiraz works very well with this hot pot.
And, as one of our favourite tips for the Autumn season remains -the power of ginger. Keep a bit of ginger root in your kitchen to infuse with homemade broths and soup. This makes an excellent ingredient to ward off sniffles with the change of season.
Enjoy the last days of summer, and we’ll look forward to bringing you the heart warming dishes of the season of Autumn!