Coeliac UK

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Gluten Free Accreditation


A few weeks ago, we were paid a surprise visit from the gluten Free accreditation center of Coeliac UK. Happy to say we passed with flying colors again. A much appreciated 'A' on the test, makes me proud of the team of Chefs and staff for all their hard work to keep things running smoothly in the gluten free department. We've streamlined our processes a great deal over the last three years. Our ultimate goal is to get it near perfect and seamless as automatic. New staff are given extensive training to ensure no cross contamination, but rather knowledge and empathy [...]

Gluten Free Accreditation2020-04-30T10:52:57+01:00

Gluten Free Eating


We recently launched our new gluten free menu which has evolved since the start of the business. This has been mainly due to the fact that there exists a growing coeliac demographic in the UK. I wanted to share a little more about my experiences with the topic as I have often been asked about how we manage having two separate menus. Rest assured that Naturally Chinese does everything required to keep a top gluten free menu. There is a good bit of work that goes into it, much more than the regular menu, but I feel it is important for [...]

Gluten Free Eating2022-08-26T15:45:38+01:00