Christmas dinner

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A little Luxury


With Christmas comes the desire to feel young like a child - mesmerized by the magic of the winter wonderland. There are many luxuries life has to offer us and of course it's all matter of perspective how we choose to find them. The small luxuries make life's journey light and fun - a card from a colleague, a flower from someone special, even a box of home-made sweets we receive from a friend, and just like that, we feel loved and cared for. With all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, longer hours of work, I've had to work harder [...]

A little Luxury2020-04-30T10:53:25+01:00

Thinking About Christmas


Early as it might seem, some of you might be looking ahead to your winter plans for Christmas and New Year. Be it a family pre Christmas dinner get together or a company holiday party for your staff members, we have a sparkling dining experience this year. Our Christmas table brings you a four course menu with fully bodied wines. The variety of our dishes have been selected to set the tone of a happy and healthy holiday feast. Protein filled and balanced with dark greens and touches of red, you and your family will be in for a treat. This [...]

Thinking About Christmas2020-04-30T10:53:26+01:00