After completing a decade of still standing strong, Naturally Chinese celebrates its 11th anniversary today. We’ve evolved and come a long way through the years. And it has been fulfilling to watch the developments in the restaurant take their course. With the creativity of many people who have worked for us, the restaurant is what it it today along with a steadfast mission to serve top quality Chinese cuisine with a great dining experience. It has been cornerstone to being able to keep the venture going. Although it hasn’t been without some knocks along the way, the journey has made us really proud to complete a decade and now move into the next.
For our regulars who have stuck by us from the beginning, we are truly grateful for your support and enthusiasm. We’re looking forward to another year of serving great food and adding our little bit to the community.
I really want to reach out to all those who’ve believed in us from the start and supported this endeavour as I cannot thank you enough. Our customers who have made us more than happy to serve and provide that great dining experience we continually strive to deliver, thank you so very much!
Happy Birthday Naturally Chinese!!