The beauty in nature is abundant and never short of inspiring. Just as a connection with nature is vital for our well being, so also is our connection with natural foods. The two are interconnected. At Naturally Chinese, I follow on the ethos of keeping a connection with nature, be it in the flower pots on every table to the combination of dishes that fit well together.
When a natural ingredient is used, say for instance turmeric, even the colour appeals to the eye as natural and safe as compared to a synthetic food colouring. It’s simple details such as these that brings the food we eat closer to an understanding of our health and vitality. The time it takes to wash, nurture, and cook real foods also brings a sense of simple achievement to our daily lives. This ties in with our philosophy for eating and the food we serve.
And in appreciation of nature’s beauty, we can surround ourselves with that natural world. Plants, flowers, elements of the earth like wood, water, stone, fire — that play their part in enriching a dining experience. In doing so, we can build a closer connection with nature.