Our favourite task is to put together healthy meals that bring warmth and comfort. There’s nothing like the feel of surrounding yourself with a steamy bowl of rice and soup, followed by a light plate of chicken in cashew sauce, or a platter of stir fry vegetables of the season. Steamed sea bass or succulent lamb with all the flavours intact are a healthy meal choice this month. Combine it with a bowl of rice, soup and deep coloured greens, and you’ll feel fortified and rejuvenated.
Get set for those fabulous September days. It’s a time where cooking healthy meals and baking warm delightful things become an exciting task to embark on with all the seasonal fruit and vegetables that are available. Dark and vibrant bursts of aubergines and squashes that stay in step with the colours of the changing season, and not forgetting the greens that are vital to the body’s nourishment.
We’ll bring you more combinations of healthy meals. As this time of year encourages changes and a breath of Autumn air, so it is just as exciting to plan a diet that brings you comfort, good health and vitality.