For those times we forget to appreciate a father’s love, today is a reminder that we benefit to remember that in spite of any differences we’ve had with parents, we are lucky that we were given life by them. I love the saying that goes about a father: “a son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love”. Doesn’t it ring true for most of us? Indeed we are influenced by our first role models.
Fifty years ago, Father’s Day may have been overlooked by many, but today it becomes more relevant. It has been reassuring to see these days that fathers are putting more effort into parenting, and not just leaving it as the job of the mother. Boys and girls also need a strong but kind father figure in their development. Societies benefit greatly from this, on many levels. Being a father is a gift. Hopefully, we will celebrate that more.
My father passed away this month. He lived a good life blessed with a family who loved him. As timely as it may seem this Father’s Day, I hope he knows more than ever, that I appreciated him for all that he did for me. If you have the chance to tell your father you appreciate him, I hope you do today.
Naturally Chinese will be closed on Wednesday, the 30th of June in observance of my father’s passing.