Women need to support other women, be ambitious for change and see the bigger picture. The 2021 campaign slogan is
#ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021
— this is powerful in that as women, we need to all do our part, no matter how small or big. It all makes a difference. The day also pushes for a call to action to stand up to gender inequalities in all areas of work and life.
One that is extremely important is championing for Womens’ education. It is when a women feels empowered that she can reassure her children that they are safe. She can help other women. She can also impart this empowerment and education to her children who can further make a difference in the world.
We celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. There is nothing, I believe, that a woman should ever feel she cannot achieve. Many of us women have been engrained to think small and to know our place. But we can choose to think differently for ourselves. It will always be a fight no matter what. But our freedom and creativity is worth fighting for. We are by nature flexible and adaptable. It is a worthy quality.
Here’s a little inspiration and thoughts for this Women’s Day. Have a happy Women’s Day!