Valentine’s day is this weekend, and together with it you might be celebrating Chinese New Year too. The month of the peach blossom as many know it in China, is when the sweet smelling blossom begins to bloom and falls delicately to the ground. This denotes the coming of Spring and the air filled with romance for new love to blossom. With their perfumed fragrance and relation to the rose, jasmine and elderflower groups, they are also used as edible decoration. Spring brides in China usually have a peach blossom in their bouquets to signify fertility, love, and good luck in marriage.

At Naturally Chinese, we want you to have the choice to toast to all these aspects if you please. The celebration of Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year runs through the weekend. (11th to the 14th of February)

A delectable menu awaits with an array of heart warming dishes. To order please call us at 020 8399 5533 or email us at if you may wish to pre-order a Chinese new year rotisserie dinner.

Have a happy Valentine’s and Chinese New Year Weekend everyone.