With only 3 days to go till the Quê Charity Dinner on Monday the 21st, I want to take this opportunity to speak a little about what this charity means to us at Naturally Chinese. It was founded by us in 2015 but it had been over two years before that we had received a letter from a lady in Hanoi asking us for some help for a charitable cause. At the time, we had sent money and some supplies as a way of helping her out. But very soon we came to see that she was gathering up resources to help some of the poorest families in North Vietnam. This struck a cord with us. You may wonder why a Chinese establishment such as ourselves would be keen to support a Vietnamese charitable organization. This is because our roots are Vietnamese and we hold a strong bond with them.

We came to England when we were children fleeing from Vietnam at a time when things were turbulent in the political environment. We feel very grateful that the UK gave us opportunities to succeed and grow. And it was a promise that we made, that when we got to a point of success, that we would help those who needed a hand and make them self sufficient, just like we were given and taught to become.

It’s for this reason, we started the Quê Charity. “Quê” means one’s birthplace. It is a part of us and it will always serve us well if we do the same. In 2015 when we hosted a successful charity dinner and raised money that helped many of the needy families in Vietnam, we were touched by the gratitude and humility of these families. On our trip there, we wanted to see for ourselves the gravity of the situation and personally wanted to hand supplies and money to some of the people who needed help. There is still so much that needs to be done, so much that any of us can do. Many of you have been very generous and have given us resources to take to these families. We hope that through the Quê Charity and an evening of togetherness on the 21st, we can raise the amount of resources to seriously help some of those in very dire circumstances. 

Come be a part of this event. Tickets are limited but a few still remain if you are interested to attend. 

You can buy tickets through EventBrite here

You can also buy tickets directly from us (free of admin charge) by emailing us at hello@naturallychineserestaurant.co.uk

Please also follow our Charity page for more information on new developments.


Thank you and see you there!