Fear can be an inspiring and impactful feeling. If you agree, you’ll know that we all feel fear almost on a daily basis. No matter how big or small the fear, we know it is uncomfortable, but in that discomfort, we can be catapulted to do amazing things in our lives. I’m a firm believer in feeling the fear and using it to take action.
My story begins from the point of fear. I arrived in the UK as a refugee from Vietnam with close to nothing. Growing up, fear fuelled the emotional tank until I finally understood what it took to master it and befriend it to my advantage.
When it finally came time for me to take a great leap of faith in starting my own business, once again –Fear came to test me. I was faced with an economic recession, the chances of accumulating losses and looking like a failure. However, I knew that it wasn’t an option for me. I had to somehow find a way to make the restaurant a success.
So, despite the obstacles in my way, and feeling the worst of fears one can imagine, I stuck to my beliefs: I decided to turn the restaurant into what my gut feeling told me to do — A place where people can rest, recharge and rejuvenate: a new vision for a Chinese dining experience! I wanted to make a contribution to humanity. For the first time in my life, I was given an opportunity to dictate the direction of the business I was building. It was terrifying, yet exciting at the same time. And in experiencing that, I gained huge value.
In conjunction with the essence of feeling the fear, I’m pleased to introduce to you an exciting group session of personal development. It’s a 2 hour workshop hosted by Conrad Wildsmith on Thursday, the 5th of July at 7pm, at Naturally Chinese Restaurant. Come be part of this feel the fear busting session that may help you achieve and realise your goals. The cost of the workshop is £10. To book or for more information, please email c.wildsmith@feelthefeartraining.com