You might be familiar with the Omni Local magazine that highlights various interests from dining out in the local area to art and theatre events, DIY and gardening and much more. It’s proved to be a useful guide and help to local residents in search of information for local activities and businesses. This month we are pleased that they are hosting a fun competition for a dinner prize at Naturally Chinese.
All you Chinese cuisine connoisseurs, see if you can answer their question — How long is the Peking Duck fan fried for? It’s one of the most celebrated dishes to gather over in Chinese dining, and more so because of the ceremonial aspect that everyone at the table gets to participate in. But what makes this particular preparation so special? As you know this dish needs to be ordered 3 days in advance as the process of preparing it requires patience and caring to get it just at the right tenderness and temperature.
Please click here to read about what Omni Local had to say about our food on their visit last, and for a look at entering into the competition if you’re up to the challenge.
Good luck!