Another year has brought us much to be proud of. The past year in particular has brought a significant shift, and definitely for the better. With the evolution of our gluten free niche, we have grown stronger in maintaining standards for a top quality gluten free menu we are very proud to serve. We’ve streamlined our processes a great deal over the last few years. New staff are given extensive training to ensure no cross contamination, but rather knowledge and empathy for our Coeliac customers. Our motto is that no one should have to feel left out sitting on the side lines when it comes to enjoying good, delicious food.
Our introduction of Organic chicken, we believe, has made a huge difference to our mission to employ as much eco friendly and sustainable ways of sourcing ingredients. Yes, organic chicken costs a little more, but it’s an expense we feel is worth the investment, and will in the long run reap the benefit of good clean tasting food.
We’re very excited for the coming year. We have plans to continue bettering our processes. This has been our mission from the very beginning –to serve the best we can to the community. We really want to reach out to all those who’ve believed in us from the start and supported this endeavour as we cannot thank you enough. Our customers who have made us more than happy to serve and provide that great dining experience we continually strive to deliver, thank you so very much!
Happy Anniversary Naturally Chinese!