The Year of the Rooster is upon us this 2017. The lucky colours for the year are expressed through a myriad of shades of red, yellow, orange, pink and purple. Warm tones like amber reds and blazing golds come from the fiery rooster. This year we will be celebrating Chinese New Year 2017 on the 28th of January.
We will begin the evening with the tossing of the raw salad. The ritual aims to bring together family and friends at a table that is round, signifying a circle of life, but yet, one of infinite possibilities. The fresh salad which has a variety of raw vegetables in seven colours like the rainbow (even smoked salmon, with a light cleansing sauce symbolizing balance and renewed energy). The higher you toss the salad in the air and make your desired wish, the more energy builds and greater happiness, fertility and success is bestowed upon you.
And of course the celebration would not be complete without the plucking of the little red envelope of the money tree. Wealth and prosperity is to be bestowed on to the one who picks from the money tree. The saying goes that money will be in abundance for them just like leaves on a tree.
Call us or email us at or 020 8399 5533 to book your table in advance. From cutting paper lanterns to paper dragons that children love to play with, here is some Chinese New Year inspiration.
Looking forward to seeing you on the 28th of January.